Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement


At Peckham Vape, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business operations. We recognize the importance of addressing modern slavery and human trafficking issues and are dedicated to preventing their occurrence within our organization and supply chains.

Our Approach:

Peckham Vape has a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that our business activities, as well as those of our suppliers and partners, are conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. We strive to promote transparency, integrity, and respect for human rights throughout our operations.

Supply Chain:

We understand that modern slavery can exist in various forms, including forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and debt bondage. We are vigilant in assessing and mitigating these risks within our supply chain. We engage in due diligence processes to identify and address any potential instances of modern slavery. This includes:

  1. Supplier Evaluation: We carefully evaluate our suppliers and partners to ensure that they share our commitment to ethical practices. We review their policies, practices, and compliance with labor laws and human rights standards.
  2. Supplier Contracts: We require all our suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which explicitly prohibits the use of forced or child labor and outlines our expectations regarding fair wages, working hours, and safe working conditions.
  3. Audits and Monitoring: We conduct regular audits and site visits to assess our suppliers’ compliance with our standards. These visits include examining employment records, interviewing workers, and ensuring that appropriate health and safety measures are in place.
  4. Training and Awareness: We provide training to our employees and supply chain partners to raise awareness about modern slavery, its signs, and the importance of reporting any concerns. Weencourage open communication and collaboration to address these issues effectively.

Reporting Concerns:

We encourage our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any suspected cases of modern slavery or human trafficking. We have established mechanisms for reporting concerns, ensuring confidentiality, and providing support to those who come forward. Reports can be made through our confidential reporting channels, which include dedicated email addresses and hotlines.

Continuous Improvement:

Peckham Vape is committed to continuously improving our practices and ensuring the effectiveness of our measures against modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to align with evolving industry standards and best practices. We engage with relevant stakeholders, including NGOs and industry organizations, to stay informed and contribute to collective efforts in combating modern slavery.


At Peckham Vape, we are dedicated to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking from our organization and supply chains. We will continue to work diligently to promote ethical practices, transparency, and respect for human rights. By taking a proactive and vigilant stance, we aim to make a positive impact and contribute to a fair and just society.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.